Hi, earthlings! It's been a while since I didnt update my blog. I'm bored at home but I don't have any idea to post something on my blog and today, I got some idea. My sim card is missing and my phone is still in the Pink Com, Megalong. They took 3 weeks and 1 day to repair it. Stupid warranty, no use la. My mom just bought the samsung phone for me and I have made a stupid mistake. Only 12 days and I don't know what I have done to that handphone. Lcd problem, by the way. Before I claim the warranty, I have sent my handphone to the nearby shop and they said, "still got the warranty? It's too expensive if you want to repair your handphone here". Then, my dad sent it back to Megalong. When my dad called them, (because they took too much time to repair it) they kept on asking, "what model". I guess it reached 3-4 times for them to ask the same question. Isn't that annoying? Last Wednesday, we went to kk and blabla, we went back home. A few minutes later, pink com called us and they said, "you can take your handphone at the pink com". Which mean, my handphone is ok and now, my sim card is missing. I put my sim card in my mum's purse and when I searched it today, it has gone. I'm so careless. What on earth am I doing!? I problem solved and ok, fine. I am stupid, I admit it. My mum will yell at me again. Well, that's life.

Do I need to pretend like nothing happens and watch gag concert?