Hi! It's been more than a year since my last post here. I just got back from class, so I want to give a sneak peak about my uni life. I've been through numerous experiences (both, good and bad) here. Once you've started the move, you need to ‘radu’ it no matter what, right? Albeit the thing is kind of risky, we can always try to endure it, because eventually, it will be worth it. Uni life is pleasurable. You can wear whatever you want to class (as long as you’re still following the rules, then it’s okay). I’ve moved to Taman Bahtera because I got rejected by KHAR. Staying outside of the campus is not that bad. You can still get the “fun vibe”. It’s just the beginning of Semester 3 but I am already tired of dealing with mood swings, course mates, assignments, homesick and the list continues. I don’t think that this edu field suits me because it’s not the passion that I possess last year. If only I get the chance to study in the field of HR, it would be totally fun, right? Hiring and dealing with foreign workers will be amazing I thought. By the way, I want to make a new entry for the upcoming trip that I’ll be joining this week. Here I attached a few photos that are related to today’s entry.
December 2017
Got paper on the next day. Yet, we still gansau. I still remember we walked from PU to PT because it was a 'food hunting' kind of night. From Cape Cafe to Recco Coffee.
What's your resolution for New Year? Hope it won't be the same as last year's target. I had fun tho walking around the campus at night.
First one, with CUTES.
MTK 2017. I felt content.
With dem girls after CMP class.
Warner Music Tour. Had the chance to meet our local artists.
They just got back from class. Face expression well explained. Tired yer bang.
Our "gift pack" for PPI subject. My favourite group so far.
CSR for PPI. Exhausted but worth it.
Fellow housemates.
End of sem 2. Munyit sebelah sy lambat bangun. Nasib prebet lambat sampai. We missed the 7:20am train. So, we took the next train and waited for another 1 hour there.
Still remember he asked me something like, "Kau ok ka?" because he thought, the fee for Hop On Hop Off bus is RM50. I said, "RM25 ni." Silly driver, he thought that we're tourists. I forgot to ask for student price lagi. Hmm
..andddd, I still feel funny when he accidentally bumped into his former teacher at NU Sentral. It was so funny!! I can't resist that one. We went down, hoping not to see his teacher again, but it was a coincidence when his teacher passed by (at the escalator) & waving at him. It was so awkward!!
& one more thing. He talked to a man whilst waiting for the train to come. Ya, he used the slang here. Then, the man just looked at him and asked him, "Sabah kah?" Something like that, I forgot already. I burst into laughter and I quickly turned around. The man that Noel talked to orang Sabah juga. From Beaufort? If I'm not mistaken. Sorry for revealing this. I still feel funny bah.
That's all. I'll update again soon.